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Monday, September 24, 2012

GadgetFood For Thought

Since the release of iPhone 5, millions of it have been sold, stores are sold out for it and people are still demanding for it! The amount of iPhone 5 that has been pre-ordered in 3 days is as much as iPhone 4S’ pre-ordered in a month! That is more than triple of the amount pre-ordered.

Apple has been so successful over the past few years and many would say that their success is all down to their brilliant products. Are Apple’s products that successful OR is it their marketing strategy that is successful?

Few days ago, I came across someone saying that Apple’s products are overrated but they have a really good marketing strategy that is turning their products into jewels.

Apple was rarely talked about before they came out with their best selling product, the iPhone. Since then, Apple has enjoyed nothing else but success. After iPhone, iPod Touch came out and of course, iPad.

If you have paid more attention, iPod Touch came out right after iPhone became so famous that everyone wants to have it due to its innovativeness but Apple realizes that there is a market segment that they are missing out, the kids and the teenagers. They would have shown much more interest in their products compared to the adults. But how is Apple gonna reach out to them? It is near impossible that parents would buy a phone that costs more than RM2000 for their kids when they themselves are using phones that are less than RM500. And so, they came out with a product that is so similar to iPhone. Only without phone functions, the iPod Touch.

In 2010, Apple introduced iPad to the world. Now look at the timing of it. During that time, iPhone has became so famous that people will think of iPhone when the think of Apple. Apple became such an established name for quality and innovation and they took full advantage of it and introduced the iPad. Some would say it is just an enlarged iPod Touch or iPhone but to most, it is an innovative Apple product and I just have to get my hands on it.

Coincidence much? Is Apple’s product really that amazing or is it that Apple has a really good marketing strategy that is driving them to greater heights? Let us know what you think by leaving your comments down below.

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